Will I Meet My Soulmate Tarot

Exploring the intricate realm of soulmates reveals a profound journey often clouded by misconceptions. Beyond the romanticized ideals, metaphysics experts affirm the reality of true soulmates, extending beyond mere romantic partners to form our life’s “core team” of souls. These individuals traverse our entire life cycle, appearing and departing strategically, imparting invaluable lessons.

Discovering the soulmate concept delves into a unique card-reading experience:

  1. Your Soul Card: Reflecting your current emotional state, this card provides insight into your inner feelings.
  2. Their Soul Card: Offering a glimpse into your perception of a current or future partner, this card holds the key to understanding your emotional connection.
  3. Karma Card: Unveiling factors influencing your present life, this card sheds light on the karmic forces shaping your experiences.
  4. Thorns Card: Acting as a guide, this card illuminates the path to overcoming obstacles, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth.
  5. The Divine Card: Providing a broader, divine perspective, this card offers insight into factors that influence your conscience on a cosmic level.
  6. The Destiny Card: Unveiling the trajectory of your life’s events, this card foretells how situations are unfolding to shape your destiny.
  7. Magic Card: Symbolizing uncertain life events, this card reveals elements of unpredictability taking form in your life’s narrative.
  8. Kiss of Fate Card: Deciphering the course of events that determine the delicate balance between your desires and what is realistically possible.

Embark on this unique journey through the cards, gaining profound insights into the complexities of soulmate connections and the intricate dance of fate and destiny in our lives.

The World card is one of the Travelcards in Major Arcana, which consist of a dancing woman with crossed legs and holding wands in both hands. This represents worldly balance and control. The World Card Upright Meaning
Upright World card represents achievement, wholeness, and a sense of belonging and control. It signifies that the World is in your control. So, all the efforts you put in will result in success. The whole World is welcoming you for success and achievement.

The World Card Upright Meaning in Love :
If you’re in a relationship with someone, this card is a signal for you to bring your relationship to the next stage, like engagement or marriage. If you’re single, this signifies open options for you in the near future. Now you should look forward to being in a relationship with someone you and your soul is attracted to.

The World Card Upright Meaning in Career:
Upright World card represents goal completion and a sense of fulfilment in a career. If you own a business, doing any job or even finding a new one. This card signifies to be proud of it and celebrate what you’ve already earned. Enjoy the present moment.

The World Card Upright Meaning in Money :
If you’ve been holding yourself back from making any investment due to the risks. It’s time to do that. This card suggests taking and gamble your money (not in the casino) but in the form of investments, and you’ll land on unexpected success.

The World Card reversed represents the lack of achievement, success and disappointment. Sometimes we feel empty like something is missing. The reversed card signifies these stuck situations and problems. Also, it helps you focus in the right direction.

The World Card Reversed meaning in Love:
Have your relationship lost all its charm? Things do not feel like they used to feel? The World card reversed indicates that you and your partners have lost their focus and let things go sideways. Even it might not feel true to you because you may be trying hard to improve your relationship, but are you sure that you’re fixing the main problem? So, better trying new things, be honest with your partners and communicate!

The World Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
Often, we feel empty or unaccomplished even after getting what we always wished for. It can be a job or career as well, so if you are feeling the same. This card indicates that your focus might be in the wrong directions, or you’ve set your success bar too low that it doesn’t feel any accomplishment to you.

The World Card Reversed Meaning in Money:
You might be feeling comfortable, unsettle besides being in a financially stable position. Word card reversed suggest keep going and don’t fall for some stupid money scheme or investment. Your consistency will get you what you wish to achieve.

the tower tarot card meaning

The Tower Tarot card or the most terrifying card in the deck generally indicates chaos and survival. The flaming tower image with the devil shows the destruction which needs to be done in order to move forward.

The Tower card in upright position indicates abuse, violence, natural disaster, loss, tragedies. In short, all the things you should be afraid of. If this card shows that means big changes are on their way to your life. So, you can use these indicators to prepare yourself for dealing with them.

The Tower Card Upright Meaning in Love :
Your relationship might take some wrong turns in the coming days. The Tower in an upright manner indicates a separation, breakup, or even a divorce. So, if your relationship is going through a rough time you need to prepare yourself to survive the upcoming destruction. But it can also mean the destruction might eliminate the reason that is damaging your relationship and you both will come close after a hard time.

The Tower Card Upright Meaning in Career:
You need to prepare yourself for a laying over or big changes in your career. That means that you’ll have to handle stress at a workplace or business which might frustrate you.

The Tower Card Upright Meaning in Money :
It’s an indication to prepare your finances and savings for your sudden losses so you can rely on them and pass that time.

The Tower Card Reversed Meaning:
Tower card in reversed position shows resistance or avoidance of things. So, this card tells that you need to stop resistance and face the hardships to start the new beginning.

The Tower Card Reversed meaning in Love:
If you’re in a relationship and experiencing distantness, pain, and not doing anything about it. This card indicates that towards making adjustments to your relationship and let your partner know how you feel or leave the weak relationship.

The Tower Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
You may be feeling secured about your current job and career but you need to stay prepared for the worst. This card indicates that your career might take some unexpected turns which can put you in a vulnerable position. So, if you’re thinking you’re past the layoffs, that’s not true.

The Tower Card Reversed Meaning in Money:
The Tower Tarot Card reversed signifies the acceptance and declaration of financial defeat. Most of the time we try so hard for survival but in reality, we don’t make any progress and get the delayed defeat. So, this card suggests that you need to accept it to find peace. For example; you’re just invested in a property you can’t afford so you should sell it.

the devil tarot card

The upright version has an illustration of a creature having both man and goat-like features. Two individuals who appear to be humans are attached to the stool with chains on which the Devil is standing. The card indicates negativity, materialism, void, lust, and entrapment.

The Devil Card meaning in Love:
In a love reading Devil represents lust and desire. It indicates that someone is not ready for commitment, just wanting something temporary. It indicates addiction and dependency.

The Devil Card meaning in Career:
In terms of career, it indicates the feeling of stillness and enforcement. A person might feel that he is forced to work at the current job or pursue a certain career regardless of his own choice.

The Devil Card meaning in Money:
It shows that a person is having difficulty handling the finances, or they simply have poor management skills when it comes to money. They are spending way too much, and this keeps them stressed.

The Devil Card meaning in Health:
In terms of health, it means that a person is overindulging in some factors that can influence their overall health. It also indicates mental health problems.

The reversed version represents the moment of self-awareness where a person overcomes bad habits and addictive behaviour. It indicates that an individual can regain lost dignity.

The Devil Card reversed meaning in Love:
This represents the tendency to come out of a hurtful situation to know what you want from life in terms of love.

The Devil Card reversed meaning in Career:
In a career reading, the card emphasizes that you don’t depend on your job to seek stability in your life anymore. It also means that a person is fully capable of flourishing in terms of career.

the high priestess

The High Priestess card constitutes the inherent qualities of inner wisdom. This means that all of us possess wisdom which is derived from mistakes and learning experiences. This tarot card also emphasizes the role of gut feelings and instincts when it comes to dealing with day-to-day situations.

The high priestess card meaning in love:
It’s natural for men to be attracted to women. However, an attractive woman may not be easily attainable for men. It will be difficult for a man to express his feelings to the woman he desires.

The high priestess card meaning in career:
The job that you’ve always dreamt of is slowly coming your way. In other words, you will soon be equipped with the knowledge that will lead you towards a successful career. Your creativity will also play a huge role when you start climbing the ladder of success.

The high priestess card meaning in money :
When you start earning a steady income, you should avoid disclosing it to friends and family. At times, people can often use such confidential information against you just for personal gain.

The high priestess card meaning in health :
Taking time out for the things you like to do is important. Sometimes you might feel like going for a walk, and at other times, you might feel like eating something scrumptious. Listen to what your mind requires and fulfill those needs as soon as possible.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in love:
It’s quite possible that you have an attractive personality that someone admires. But you don’t know if you should let this person into your life or not. You might start questioning their intentions which could lead to second thoughts.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in career:
A 9-5 job is not easy. It can make you feel as if you’ve drifted away from reality. You start to feel isolated and alone, which makes you unproductive and lazy.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in money:
Always think about your financial position before you borrow money from someone. Unless you’re certain that you’ll be able to repay the lending party, you should try to find another way to build up finance.

What does the Death Tarot Card Mean?
In the upright Death Tarot card, we can see a skeleton wearing body armor riding a beautiful white horse. The skeleton symbolizes survival, armor shows the power that death is unbeatable and the Beautiful White house denotes the purity of life. The overall representation of the death tarot card is not negative at all. It is often misunderstood, and that’s the reason people usually fear this card. However, it indicates the transformation of life.

The Death Card meaning in Love
The Upright Death Card expresses the ongoing relationship complications. It indicates that things among the partners are not going well. If one wants to continue or improve their relationship, he/she needs to put some effort into changing and lifting things up. Sometimes, this card also indicates the end of the relationship. It’s the transformation from one love life to another one.
The Death Card Meaning in Career
If you’re not satisfied with your career and things are not in the right direction, upright Death Cards indicate the career change. That means you need to put an end to the frustration and should stop following that career. The current career might be offering you stability and safe financial outcomes, but it’s eating you from the inside, and you must change it. When you close this door, the next door will be opened for you, which will offer you more comfort.

The Death Card Meaning in Money
Suppose you’re struggling with the money or bearing a loss in your business or any other financial resources. In that case, that is the signal of the transformation of your relationship with the money. This card indicates a learning lesson from this situation, which will help you in tackling your money problems.

The Death Card Meaning in Health
Taking about the heath, you must be panicking that this card may indicate physical death. It does but in rare cases. Instead, most of the time, this card is pointing towards unhealthy activities that could improve your health if left. These activities include alcohol consumption, bad food choices, etc.

The reversed death card meaning is also transformation but the only difference in the reverse card is that it indicates those changes that one has been avoiding and showing resistance about.

The Death Card Reversed meaning in Love:
Suppose your relationship has come to a stop where you’re no longer helping each other. In that case, the reversed death card indicates that you can revive this relationship by putting in dynamic efforts.

The Death Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
You’re not doing well in a job or business but still pushing hard to survive or hold on to that job. This resistance has been stopped, and you need to accept the change for a better career.

Strength Tarot card consists of a mature woman holding the jaws of a strong and fully-grown lion. That represents domination, control, bravery, and courage. The lion itself symbolizes courage and survival. So, the card generally connects survival with control and bravery.

Strength Card Upright Meaning
A strength card in the upright position generally represents the person’s ability to overcome distressful situations and the presence of inner strength in him or her.

Strength Card Upright Meaning in Love
A strength card in an upright manner signifies a strong relationship that consists of intense feelings. This type of relationship has its pros and cons, like obsession and jealousy at the same time. So, you need to use your inner strength to tackle the cons of this relationship or your partner, which will further bring both of you to each other.

Strength Card Upright Meaning in Money and Career
If you’re someone whose emotions always lead him or gets in his way of career and business, this card indicates that it needs to be stopped. It’s time you master the skill of self-control and lead your life. You’ve enough skills and courage to do that. If you’ve always wished to run your own business but failed due to emotions and fears of failure, it’s time you take the courage and proceed. Your investment will pay your back, and there will be an inflow of money.

Strength Card Upright Meaning in Health
Are you facing any health issues? This card is a signal that your health is getting better and you’re getting your strength back. So, start training your mind and bring positive changes to your life.

Strength Card Reversed Meaning:

The strength card in the upright position represents self-doubt, vulnerabilities, and a feeling of not being enough or ready. If this card shows up, that means you’re going to experience or already experiencing fear or anger. You’ve forgotten all the good of yourself and life around you, which is weakening you.

Strength Card Reversed meaning in Love:
You need to reduce the dependency on your partner or relationship and incline yourself towards your own interest. It’s important to make your relationship strong. This card may also reflect the domination of one partner on the other.

Strength Card Reversed Meaning in Career and Money:
Are you feeling the continuous fear or stress to move forward in your career or take critical business decisions? This card indicates that your being discourages, and you need to let go of the fear of failure, which will make your career or business successful. You need to invest your money smartly.

Strength Card Reversed Meaning in Health:
This indicates the lack of self-control in managing your desires that are harmful to your health. That may include alcohol consumption, drugs, or bad food choices. Don’t let it control you.

The Sun Tarot card generally represents positivity, optimism and feelings of fulfilment. When the card is in the upright position, it signals that joy and happiness are coming to you. It also represents success and confidence. So, continue whatever you’re doing, and you’ll be getting the joy of success soon.

The Upright Sun Card meaning in Love :
An upright sun card represents the successful relationship and signals towards making your relationship better by putting more efforts to get close to each other. If you’re single, this card shows that it’s the perfect time to start a relationship.

The Upright Sun Card Meaning in Career:
If you’re switching to a new job or investing in any new business, it signifies that you stay optimistic as you’ll be getting success and happiness.

The Upright Sun Card Meaning in Money:
If you’re financially stables and things have been working out of your latest, then you’ll be soon revealing some hidden factor for that you should keep some money at the side.

The Upright Sun Card Meaning in Health:
If you’re perfectly healthy, the sun card represents you should be grateful and stay away from the unhealthy activities. In case one is going through health problems, that problems would leave you soon.

The Sun Card Reversed Meaning

The Sun card reversed represents a lack of enthusiasm, sadness, depression, pessimism, and unrealistic expectations. But this card doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re in a bad situation, but it indicates your feelings and your focus on negativity. In short, you’re losing the sight and being unrealistic, which you must tackle.

The Sun Card Reversed meaning in Love

The sun shines bright even after getting blocked by the clouds temporarily. So, if you’re in a relationship with someone, you might be facing some issues with your partner or not feeling the love and happiness, but the reversed sun signals that thing will be sorted out soon, and you’ll be happy once again. If you’re single, this card represents a relationship is in your way, and you should accept it.

The Sun Card Reversed Meaning in Career

Being human, we are sometimes played by our thoughts, which results in missing and ignoring the things in front of us. A reversed sun card suggests that you may feel exhausted at your workplace due to certain circumstances like a promotion you deserve. Besides getting depressed over it or walking out of the situation, you should bring this matter to your boss and request your promotion.

hanged man

The Hanged Man Tarot card shows an upside-down man hanged by his leg to a tree. The hanging man represents free will. We can say that by observing that his left foot is free and his hands are behind his back while his facial expressions are serene. Generally, this card signals uncertainty, the situation of being trapped into something willingly, and a lackness of the right direction.

The Hanged Man Card Upright Meaning
In an upright direction, this card signals sacrifice and contemplation. This card helps you in making critical decisions that are ultimately best for you.

The Hanged Man Card Upright Meaning in Love
If you’re in a relationship that is not so romantic and joyful at the moment. The Hanged man card in an upright position signifies that you need to step back and give your relationship a rest. In that time, you and your partner could rethink the relationship and make it better. Or, if you find that you’re not happy, you can call this relationship off willingly. If you’re single, this signals that you should get out of the negative people circle and release all the negative feelings.

The Hanged ManCard Upright Meaning in Career
Are you not sure about your job or next business? This card can be a signal to take some time out to plan your next move.

The Hanged Man Card Upright Meaning in Money
If you’re struggling with money, this is card signals towards the opportunity to turn that situation into money. Look around yourself and change your perspective about money, opening your mind to pick the right move.

The Hanged Man Card Reversed Meaning

The Hanged Man in reversed position denotes negative patterns, stagnation. This card might be an indication for you that you’re making bad decisions impulsively, and you need to stop and consider the situation.

The Hanged Man Card Reversed meaning in Love.

It’s time to make some changes in your love life if you’re in a relationship. You need to revamp it without making the unnecessary sacrifice. This will balance your relationship. If you’re single, this card indicates that the wait is over. You need to fresh your mind from toxic ex-relationships, and you’ll be soon meeting your soulmate.

The Hanged ManCard Reversed Meaning in Career

If things are not going well in your career, this career signals stalling for some time and take the decision on which you’ve been procrastinating for a long time. Stop sacrificing yourself for a career. Once you do that, you will seek new opportunities.

The Hanged Man Card Reversed Meaning in Money

Do you always find yourself in a situation where you hesitate to take the final step in making any investment? If that’s true, this card indicates that you need to figure yourself out well and take the next step. You can take counseling from a financial expert as well.

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