Free 5 Card Tarot Spread Reading

A 5 card tarot spread is a versatile and insightful method for gaining deeper understanding and guidance in various aspects of life. Whether you’re looking for clarity in relationships, career, or personal growth, a free 5 card tarot spread reading can provide comprehensive insights. Let’s explore the benefits of a 5 card tarot spread and how it can help you.

Free 5 Card Tarot Spread Reading

A free 5 card tarot spread reading involves drawing five tarot cards, each representing different aspects of your question or situation. This method offers a detailed and multi-faceted perspective, making it ideal for more complex inquiries.

How It Works

In a 5 card tarot spread reading, each card drawn holds specific significance:

  1. Past: Reflects on past experiences and influences that shape the current situation.
  2. Present: Represents the current state and immediate challenges.
  3. Future: Offers insights into potential outcomes based on the current path.
  4. Obstacle: Identifies any challenges or obstacles that may arise.
  5. Advice: Provides guidance and suggestions for moving forward.

By interpreting the cards in these positions, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your situation and the steps you need to take.

judgement tarot card

General representation: time for self-reflection and actions’ evaluation

When it comes to love, the upright Judgement card may suggest a danger that you and your partner are not fully appreciating one another even if you both consider your relationship as important. You can overcome this threat by being open to each other.

You or your partner are in the process of changing. You should take action and not cling to the status quo if you want to keep your relationship working.

the hierophant tarot card

The Hierophant tarot card is based on a society that functions according to conventional norms. The core idea behind this card is that it represents things being done legitimately, which people will follow and accept.

The Hierophant card meaning in love:
When you set out in search of true love, you can rest assured that your efforts will not go wasted. This is because you will most likely engage in a healthy relationship that will be based on a long-term commitment.

The Hierophant card meaning in career:
If you want to be successful in your career, you should avoid shortcuts at all costs. You’ll be much better off provided you take the challenging path to success.

The Hierophant card meaning in money:
Searching for unconventional ways of generating money will only drain you out. Try and figure out how other people are making money and what steps they’re taking to generate their income.

The Hierophant card meaning in health:
You will start experiencing good health once you try out the conventional means of healing. Also, try to incorporate daily exercise into your routine to enhance your immune system.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in love:

At times a relationship can end up not conforming to the conventional norms. It’s a relationship based on inequality between the partners due to distinct genders. As a result, this can lead to a broken partnership.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in career:
In the workplace, there can sometimes be an imbalance of power in the hierarchical chain of command. The directors or managers may use their power to make employers obey and follow their principles.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in money:
People may give you advice in terms of earning a better living. For the most part, seeking advice is not a bad thing. However, it’s best to stick to what you’re most comfortable with, no matter how tempting other money-making ventures may seem.

What does the Death Tarot Card Mean?
In the upright Death Tarot card, we can see a skeleton wearing body armor riding a beautiful white horse. The skeleton symbolizes survival, armor shows the power that death is unbeatable and the Beautiful White house denotes the purity of life. The overall representation of the death tarot card is not negative at all. It is often misunderstood, and that’s the reason people usually fear this card. However, it indicates the transformation of life.

The Death Card meaning in Love
The Upright Death Card expresses the ongoing relationship complications. It indicates that things among the partners are not going well. If one wants to continue or improve their relationship, he/she needs to put some effort into changing and lifting things up. Sometimes, this card also indicates the end of the relationship. It’s the transformation from one love life to another one.
The Death Card Meaning in Career
If you’re not satisfied with your career and things are not in the right direction, upright Death Cards indicate the career change. That means you need to put an end to the frustration and should stop following that career. The current career might be offering you stability and safe financial outcomes, but it’s eating you from the inside, and you must change it. When you close this door, the next door will be opened for you, which will offer you more comfort.

The Death Card Meaning in Money
Suppose you’re struggling with the money or bearing a loss in your business or any other financial resources. In that case, that is the signal of the transformation of your relationship with the money. This card indicates a learning lesson from this situation, which will help you in tackling your money problems.

The Death Card Meaning in Health
Taking about the heath, you must be panicking that this card may indicate physical death. It does but in rare cases. Instead, most of the time, this card is pointing towards unhealthy activities that could improve your health if left. These activities include alcohol consumption, bad food choices, etc.

The reversed death card meaning is also transformation but the only difference in the reverse card is that it indicates those changes that one has been avoiding and showing resistance about.

The Death Card Reversed meaning in Love:
Suppose your relationship has come to a stop where you’re no longer helping each other. In that case, the reversed death card indicates that you can revive this relationship by putting in dynamic efforts.

The Death Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
You’re not doing well in a job or business but still pushing hard to survive or hold on to that job. This resistance has been stopped, and you need to accept the change for a better career.

The World card is one of the Travelcards in Major Arcana, which consist of a dancing woman with crossed legs and holding wands in both hands. This represents worldly balance and control. The World Card Upright Meaning
Upright World card represents achievement, wholeness, and a sense of belonging and control. It signifies that the World is in your control. So, all the efforts you put in will result in success. The whole World is welcoming you for success and achievement.

The World Card Upright Meaning in Love :
If you’re in a relationship with someone, this card is a signal for you to bring your relationship to the next stage, like engagement or marriage. If you’re single, this signifies open options for you in the near future. Now you should look forward to being in a relationship with someone you and your soul is attracted to.

The World Card Upright Meaning in Career:
Upright World card represents goal completion and a sense of fulfilment in a career. If you own a business, doing any job or even finding a new one. This card signifies to be proud of it and celebrate what you’ve already earned. Enjoy the present moment.

The World Card Upright Meaning in Money :
If you’ve been holding yourself back from making any investment due to the risks. It’s time to do that. This card suggests taking and gamble your money (not in the casino) but in the form of investments, and you’ll land on unexpected success.

The World Card reversed represents the lack of achievement, success and disappointment. Sometimes we feel empty like something is missing. The reversed card signifies these stuck situations and problems. Also, it helps you focus in the right direction.

The World Card Reversed meaning in Love:
Have your relationship lost all its charm? Things do not feel like they used to feel? The World card reversed indicates that you and your partners have lost their focus and let things go sideways. Even it might not feel true to you because you may be trying hard to improve your relationship, but are you sure that you’re fixing the main problem? So, better trying new things, be honest with your partners and communicate!

The World Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
Often, we feel empty or unaccomplished even after getting what we always wished for. It can be a job or career as well, so if you are feeling the same. This card indicates that your focus might be in the wrong directions, or you’ve set your success bar too low that it doesn’t feel any accomplishment to you.

The World Card Reversed Meaning in Money:
You might be feeling comfortable, unsettle besides being in a financially stable position. Word card reversed suggest keep going and don’t fall for some stupid money scheme or investment. Your consistency will get you what you wish to achieve.

justice tarot card

As the name suggests, the Justice Tarot card represents fair law and truthness. You can see that by looking at the figure of justice sitting in a chair holding a sword in the right and a scale on her left hand which purely shows justice.

Upright Justice Card Meaning:
The upright Justice card represents law, truthfulness, integrity, karma, cause, and equal consequence. That means whatever choices one makes have a similar and long-term impact on their lives and the lives of their surrounding people.

Upright Justice Card meaning in Love :
If you’re someone who’s putting continuous effort, you will receive the love and romance ultimately as the upright justice card represents karma. It doesn’t matter you’re single or in a relationship, the karma law is true for both. So, make sure you treat the person well whom you’re in love with.

Upright Justice Card Meaning in Career:
If you’re going through a tough time or getting affected by bad workplace politics or any type of dispute you don’t need to lose hope as the justice card shows that the thing will be just fine very soon. All you need is to stay honest and fair with your work.

Upright Justice Card Meaning in Money:
The cause and effect apply here. If you’re facing any financial trouble, you need to start putting more effort into your work or business, and soon that struggle will be ended. If things are going just fine, take this card as a reminder that you need to keep working with uttermost honesty.

Justice Card Reversed Meaning

The reversed Justice card represents injustice, dishonesty, and lack of accountability. This card will give signals towards taking the responsibility of actions to improve your life.

Justice Card Reversed meaning in Love:

Love is not a fair deal. It’s not just about giving and taking. Sometimes you can love someone more and receive less in return or vice versa. So, if you’re someone going through this situation should hold on to the relationship. Take full responsibility, and things will get better for both of you.

Justice Card Reversed Meaning in Career:

At times we face unfair situations in the workplace. This includes your boss treating you unjustly or putting his blame on you. This card shows that even if it feels like you can’t take anymore and want to burst out of words, but you need to relax and handle this situation calmly without making it worse.

Justice Card Reversed Meaning in Money:

Reversed Justice card symbolizes that there might be dishonesty in your finances. It can be due to sharing your financial information with the wrong person or mishandling your finance.


What can I expect from a 5 card tarot spread reading?

A 5 card tarot spread reading provides detailed insights into your question or situation by examining past, present, future, obstacles, and advice. It offers a well-rounded perspective, helping you make informed decisions.

Is a 5 card tarot spread suitable for any type of question?

Yes, a 5 card tarot spread is versatile and can be used for various questions, whether related to love, career, personal growth, or other areas of life.

How often should I do a 5 card tarot spread reading?

You can do a 5 card tarot spread reading whenever you need detailed guidance and insight into a specific situation. It’s particularly useful for complex issues that require a deeper understanding.

Can I use different tarot decks for a 5 card spread?

Yes, you can use any tarot deck that resonates with you. The choice of deck can add different nuances and interpretations to your reading.

Final Words

A 5 card tarot spread reading is an effective way to gain comprehensive insights and guidance in various areas of life. Whether you’re seeking clarity in relationships, career, or personal growth, this method provides the depth and wisdom you need. Explore our free 5 card tarot spread readings and discover the answers waiting for you.

For a personalized and free 5 card tarot spread reading, delve into our offerings and gain the detailed insights you seek.

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