Free 6 Cards Tarot Reading

the moon tarot card

If the moon appears as one of the last cards in your reading, it indicates that your soul’s journey is coming to an end. rd, You should isolate yourself from distractions and turn into your inner world for a long journey of discovery. You may have many unanswered questions in mind about love, career or health, and the answers you are looking for are inside you. To find answers, You just need to focus on your inner world and isolate yourself from outside distractions. The moon card may also be telling you not to let your fears interrupt your love & life goals.


The moon card is a strong indication of new decisions, new paths, or a desire for change. If your partner is not willing to change you could decide separating. If you are not in a relationship but have strong interest in somebody, watch out. Your interest may have a secret agenda.

The reversed moon card can be an indication of the imbalance in your life. It may also be a suggestion for you to seek assistance from a professional or a loved one around you.


You may be experiencing some difficulties with your coworkers at your workplace, try to communicate with them. Clarifying things may be difficult sometimes but it is essential to find the balance in your career. If you are currently unemployed, do not feel lost. Always try to explore new opportunities. You will eventually find something that fits you.


This may be an indication of an unhealthy mental state . Speaking to a health professional or a loved one can turn things around.

What does the Death Tarot Card Mean?
In the upright Death Tarot card, we can see a skeleton wearing body armor riding a beautiful white horse. The skeleton symbolizes survival, armor shows the power that death is unbeatable and the Beautiful White house denotes the purity of life. The overall representation of the death tarot card is not negative at all. It is often misunderstood, and that’s the reason people usually fear this card. However, it indicates the transformation of life.

The Death Card meaning in Love
The Upright Death Card expresses the ongoing relationship complications. It indicates that things among the partners are not going well. If one wants to continue or improve their relationship, he/she needs to put some effort into changing and lifting things up. Sometimes, this card also indicates the end of the relationship. It’s the transformation from one love life to another one.
The Death Card Meaning in Career
If you’re not satisfied with your career and things are not in the right direction, upright Death Cards indicate the career change. That means you need to put an end to the frustration and should stop following that career. The current career might be offering you stability and safe financial outcomes, but it’s eating you from the inside, and you must change it. When you close this door, the next door will be opened for you, which will offer you more comfort.

The Death Card Meaning in Money
Suppose you’re struggling with the money or bearing a loss in your business or any other financial resources. In that case, that is the signal of the transformation of your relationship with the money. This card indicates a learning lesson from this situation, which will help you in tackling your money problems.

The Death Card Meaning in Health
Taking about the heath, you must be panicking that this card may indicate physical death. It does but in rare cases. Instead, most of the time, this card is pointing towards unhealthy activities that could improve your health if left. These activities include alcohol consumption, bad food choices, etc.

The reversed death card meaning is also transformation but the only difference in the reverse card is that it indicates those changes that one has been avoiding and showing resistance about.

The Death Card Reversed meaning in Love:
Suppose your relationship has come to a stop where you’re no longer helping each other. In that case, the reversed death card indicates that you can revive this relationship by putting in dynamic efforts.

The Death Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
You’re not doing well in a job or business but still pushing hard to survive or hold on to that job. This resistance has been stopped, and you need to accept the change for a better career.

judgement tarot card

General representation: time for self-reflection and actions’ evaluation

When it comes to love, the upright Judgement card may suggest a danger that you and your partner are not fully appreciating one another even if you both consider your relationship as important. You can overcome this threat by being open to each other.

You or your partner are in the process of changing. You should take action and not cling to the status quo if you want to keep your relationship working.

The World card is one of the Travelcards in Major Arcana, which consist of a dancing woman with crossed legs and holding wands in both hands. This represents worldly balance and control. The World Card Upright Meaning
Upright World card represents achievement, wholeness, and a sense of belonging and control. It signifies that the World is in your control. So, all the efforts you put in will result in success. The whole World is welcoming you for success and achievement.

The World Card Upright Meaning in Love :
If you’re in a relationship with someone, this card is a signal for you to bring your relationship to the next stage, like engagement or marriage. If you’re single, this signifies open options for you in the near future. Now you should look forward to being in a relationship with someone you and your soul is attracted to.

The World Card Upright Meaning in Career:
Upright World card represents goal completion and a sense of fulfilment in a career. If you own a business, doing any job or even finding a new one. This card signifies to be proud of it and celebrate what you’ve already earned. Enjoy the present moment.

The World Card Upright Meaning in Money :
If you’ve been holding yourself back from making any investment due to the risks. It’s time to do that. This card suggests taking and gamble your money (not in the casino) but in the form of investments, and you’ll land on unexpected success.

The World Card reversed represents the lack of achievement, success and disappointment. Sometimes we feel empty like something is missing. The reversed card signifies these stuck situations and problems. Also, it helps you focus in the right direction.

The World Card Reversed meaning in Love:
Have your relationship lost all its charm? Things do not feel like they used to feel? The World card reversed indicates that you and your partners have lost their focus and let things go sideways. Even it might not feel true to you because you may be trying hard to improve your relationship, but are you sure that you’re fixing the main problem? So, better trying new things, be honest with your partners and communicate!

The World Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
Often, we feel empty or unaccomplished even after getting what we always wished for. It can be a job or career as well, so if you are feeling the same. This card indicates that your focus might be in the wrong directions, or you’ve set your success bar too low that it doesn’t feel any accomplishment to you.

The World Card Reversed Meaning in Money:
You might be feeling comfortable, unsettle besides being in a financially stable position. Word card reversed suggest keep going and don’t fall for some stupid money scheme or investment. Your consistency will get you what you wish to achieve.

chariot tarot card

The Chariot Tarot card contains the two sphinxes that are driving a person sitting in a vehicle. One is black, and another one is white. This card generally represents the influence, ambition, willpower, control, focus, and hard work.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning
The Chariot card in the upright position signifies success and willpower. It suggests that besides the regular obstacles of life, you need to stay focused in order to be successful. With that, it also signals for traveling. If you’re a sportsperson, it is a signal for winning your next match.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning in Love
If your relationship is going through a rough phase, this card suggests you and your partner should come together and conquer the emotions to make your relationship work. If you’re a single person, the card indicates that you need to move ahead in life, leaving the past bad experiences behind.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning in Career
Stay ambitioned even though you feel stuck in your career or business. This card indicates that you should clear your mind and stay focused at work which would ultimately help you to reach your destination. It also suggests staying away from any kind of workplace politics and fights.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning in Money
If you’re facing money obstacles, but don’t worry more as they are about to leave. All you need is to stay focused and deal with them calmly. Don’t lose your self-discipline in the process. And if you’re not having a money problem. This card signifies making better investment choices now for a safe future.

The Chariot Card Reversed Meaning
The Chariot card in reverse position signifies the lack of direction, powerlessness, aggression, and obstacles. If you’re losing focus or feeling stuck, this card will help signals making the right decisions.

The Chariot Card Reversed meaning in Love.
Just lost a relationship or failing to make your relationship work? The Chariot card in reverse position indicates that you should stop feeling overwhelmed as you cannot control everything in life. Stay patient and let things settle themselves if you’re single or desperately finding someone for a relationship, this card signals to stay patient and let love find you.

The Chariot Card Reversed Meaning in Career
Are you trying to beat the odds and working much aggressively? This card suggests to stop that and take one step at a time, or you’ll face failure in your career or business.

The Chariot Card Reversed Meaning in Money
Thinking of investing some money to get quick gains, you need to slow down a bit. As this card suggests, these fast investments could cause financial losses. So, consider doing research and make the wise investments.