5 Card Relationship Spread Tarot Reading

Understanding the dynamics of relationships can be challenging, whether it’s with a partner, friend, or family member. A free 5 card relationship spread tarot reading offers a detailed perspective on your relationship, providing insights into past influences, present conditions, and future possibilities. This spread helps identify the strengths and weaknesses in your relationships, offering guidance on how to navigate them effectively.

The relationship spread is particularly useful for uncovering hidden factors and understanding the interplay between different aspects of your relationship. Let’s explore the benefits of this spread and how it can assist you in fostering healthy and fulfilling relationships.

Free 5 Card Relationship Spread Tarot Reading

A free 5 card relationship spread tarot reading involves drawing five tarot cards, each representing different aspects of your relationship. This spread offers a comprehensive view, making it ideal for exploring the complexities of your connections.

How It Works

In a 5 card relationship spread tarot reading, each card drawn holds specific significance:

  1. Past: Reflects on past experiences and influences that shape your current relationship dynamics.
  2. Present: Represents the current state and immediate dynamics of your relationship.
  3. Future: Offers insights into potential outcomes and future possibilities in your relationship.
  4. Obstacles: Identifies challenges or obstacles that may arise in your relationship.
  5. Advice: Provides guidance and suggestions for improving and nurturing your relationship.

By interpreting the cards in these positions, you can gain a holistic understanding of your relationship and the steps you need to take to foster a healthy connection.

hanged man

The Hanged Man Tarot card shows an upside-down man hanged by his leg to a tree. The hanging man represents free will. We can say that by observing that his left foot is free and his hands are behind his back while his facial expressions are serene. Generally, this card signals uncertainty, the situation of being trapped into something willingly, and a lackness of the right direction.

The Hanged Man Card Upright Meaning
In an upright direction, this card signals sacrifice and contemplation. This card helps you in making critical decisions that are ultimately best for you.

The Hanged Man Card Upright Meaning in Love
If you’re in a relationship that is not so romantic and joyful at the moment. The Hanged man card in an upright position signifies that you need to step back and give your relationship a rest. In that time, you and your partner could rethink the relationship and make it better. Or, if you find that you’re not happy, you can call this relationship off willingly. If you’re single, this signals that you should get out of the negative people circle and release all the negative feelings.

The Hanged ManCard Upright Meaning in Career
Are you not sure about your job or next business? This card can be a signal to take some time out to plan your next move.

The Hanged Man Card Upright Meaning in Money
If you’re struggling with money, this is card signals towards the opportunity to turn that situation into money. Look around yourself and change your perspective about money, opening your mind to pick the right move.

The Hanged Man Card Reversed Meaning

The Hanged Man in reversed position denotes negative patterns, stagnation. This card might be an indication for you that you’re making bad decisions impulsively, and you need to stop and consider the situation.

The Hanged Man Card Reversed meaning in Love.

It’s time to make some changes in your love life if you’re in a relationship. You need to revamp it without making the unnecessary sacrifice. This will balance your relationship. If you’re single, this card indicates that the wait is over. You need to fresh your mind from toxic ex-relationships, and you’ll be soon meeting your soulmate.

The Hanged ManCard Reversed Meaning in Career

If things are not going well in your career, this career signals stalling for some time and take the decision on which you’ve been procrastinating for a long time. Stop sacrificing yourself for a career. Once you do that, you will seek new opportunities.

The Hanged Man Card Reversed Meaning in Money

Do you always find yourself in a situation where you hesitate to take the final step in making any investment? If that’s true, this card indicates that you need to figure yourself out well and take the next step. You can take counseling from a financial expert as well.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card generally represents destiny. It is one of the highest symbolic cards in the whole deck. It signals the person in the right direction, which helps in taking better decisions.

The Wheel of Fortune Card Upright Meaning
The Wheel of Fortune Upward points towards good luck, karma and decisive moments. If you’re struggling to decide under uncomfortable circumstances, this card will point out the right thing for you.

The Wheel of Fortune Card Upright Meaning in Love
If you’re in a relationship, this is the time to take your relationship to the next stage. Or if you’re having a difficult time in a relationship, the Wheel of Justice in upright position signals towards making critical decisions that could be bringing needed changes to make the relationship work or breaking up for the better of both. However, if you’re single, this points out that the universe is trying to push you towards a lovely relationship.

The Wheel of Fortune Card Upright Meaning in Career
The Wheel of Fortune in an upright position points towards an upcoming significant change in the job or your business. So, if you’re trying to start a new business or thinking of switching to a new job, now is the perfect time to do that.

The Wheel of Fortune Card Upright Meaning in Money
You need to start keeping some amount separately if you’re not doing it already. Because this card in upright position signals the change in the financial status, you might get an opportunity to invest your money as well, and for that, you need some ready-to-invest money.

The Wheel of Fortune Card Reversed Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune card in reverse position indicates lack of control, bad luck, delays and unwelcome changes. So, it would be best if you start preparing for the upcoming changes in your way.

The Wheel of Fortune Card Reversed meaning in Love.

Your relationship might get in trouble or in a vulnerable situation where you think things cannot work further. But you need to handle it calmly as this is just a slight slump, and everything will get better soon.

The Wheel of Fortune Card Reversed Meaning in Career

Your career or business could go through uncertainty for some time. This Wheel of Fortune card in reverse position signals the uninvited turns. You need to handle this situation properly and get yourself prepared to take a critical decision once the situation gets stable again.

The Wheel of Fortune Card Reversed Meaning in Money

This card suggests that there are unexpected events in your way for which you need to prepare now. For example: Start saving money for the emergency, which could come in any shape. By doing that, you will be able to protect yourself from stress or anxiety.

The Sun Tarot card generally represents positivity, optimism and feelings of fulfilment. When the card is in the upright position, it signals that joy and happiness are coming to you. It also represents success and confidence. So, continue whatever you’re doing, and you’ll be getting the joy of success soon.

The Upright Sun Card meaning in Love :
An upright sun card represents the successful relationship and signals towards making your relationship better by putting more efforts to get close to each other. If you’re single, this card shows that it’s the perfect time to start a relationship.

The Upright Sun Card Meaning in Career:
If you’re switching to a new job or investing in any new business, it signifies that you stay optimistic as you’ll be getting success and happiness.

The Upright Sun Card Meaning in Money:
If you’re financially stables and things have been working out of your latest, then you’ll be soon revealing some hidden factor for that you should keep some money at the side.

The Upright Sun Card Meaning in Health:
If you’re perfectly healthy, the sun card represents you should be grateful and stay away from the unhealthy activities. In case one is going through health problems, that problems would leave you soon.

The Sun Card Reversed Meaning

The Sun card reversed represents a lack of enthusiasm, sadness, depression, pessimism, and unrealistic expectations. But this card doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re in a bad situation, but it indicates your feelings and your focus on negativity. In short, you’re losing the sight and being unrealistic, which you must tackle.

The Sun Card Reversed meaning in Love

The sun shines bright even after getting blocked by the clouds temporarily. So, if you’re in a relationship with someone, you might be facing some issues with your partner or not feeling the love and happiness, but the reversed sun signals that thing will be sorted out soon, and you’ll be happy once again. If you’re single, this card represents a relationship is in your way, and you should accept it.

The Sun Card Reversed Meaning in Career

Being human, we are sometimes played by our thoughts, which results in missing and ignoring the things in front of us. A reversed sun card suggests that you may feel exhausted at your workplace due to certain circumstances like a promotion you deserve. Besides getting depressed over it or walking out of the situation, you should bring this matter to your boss and request your promotion.

the empress

The Empress Tarot card consists of a throned mature woman surrounded by true nature. Her outlook represents the goddess and luxury. There is greenery everywhere in her surrounding. This Empress card overall represents nature and femininity.

Empress Card Upright Meaning
The Upright Empress card denotes creativity, abundance, and sensuality. It connects us with the nature and happiness of life. Also, helps the people to understand themselves better and bring happiness in their life.

Empress Card Upright Meaning in Love
In an upright manner, the Empathy card has a very positive indication for both people, singles, and couples. If you’re in a relationship, it signifies that your partner is truly committed. Also, it indicates romance, sex, and pregnancy. So, if you’re not ready, better start keeping the safety. For singles, it’s a signal that they will be getting their right one pretty soon.

Empress Card Upright Meaning in Career
Having a nurturing environment at your workplace would help you in boosting the momentum. This card represents creativity and inspiration. If you’re joining a new place, you’ll get the company of very good co-workers.

Empress Card Upright Meaning in Money
If having a bad time dealing with Finances, this card signifies the upcoming good flow of money. So, if you’re thinking about investing, go for it.

Empress card reversed has a negative indication. It points out insecurity, lack of growth, and negligence. One must embrace himself of their feminine qualities, be it, men or women, because we all have them inside us. Embracing them will help us to grow, and this card is the indicator of that.

Empress Card Reversed meaning in Love:
If you love your partner and not giving her enough attention due to any reason. This card indicates that he or she needs it to boost self-worth. You can try making little gestures like taking your partner on a dinner date or movie or try some romantic gift. For single, it’s an indication of many potential people who will try to ask you out soon.

Empress Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
If you’re in a career or business which is not of your interest. This card indicates you take the bold decision and stop following it. Instead, follow your true interest, which will make you successful without draining the energy out of you.

Empress Card Reversed Meaning in Money:
Sometimes we find ourselves feeling unstable even after having enough finances. The reason might be something not right inside you. This card suggests that you should not ignore this feeling and deal with your inner self, and start being confident about yourself. Make all the reasonable investment choices, don’t help back!

hermit tarot card

The Hermit Tarot Card generally represents accomplishments, wisdom, and authority. If you’re a wanderer, this card will help you in seeking the right answers.

The Hermit Card Upright Meaning
The Hermit card in upright position signals for introspection, contempt, and self-reflection. This card tells you that you should get out of the crowd and start spending time alone to explore yourself. It also points out taking a break from the daily grind. If you’re going through mental pressure, this is the right time to consult a psychiatrist.

The Hermit Card Upright Meaning in Love
Love is among the greatest mysteries of life, and your relationship with your partner often gets complicated at a certain stage. The Hermit card in upright position signals towards the soul-searching and necessity of spending some time alone for the betterment of the relationship. We can only treat or love the other person better when we know ourselves better.

The Hermit Card Upright Meaning in Career
If you’re putting maximum effort into your career and your full focus is on worldly pursuits, this card suggests taking a break for yourself, or you’ll soon lose the motivation to do work.

The Hermit Card Upright Meaning in Money
It’s time to realize that money and other materialistic things won’t bring your joy, satisfaction, and happiness. You need to divert your focus to yourself and start finding what you truly desire.

The Hermit Card Reversed Meaning
The Hermit card in reversed position represents loneliness, reclusion, rejection. It signals you towards self-examination to tackle your circumstances that can be in shape or continuous rejection or loneliness.

The Hermit Card Reversed meaning in Love
If you’re in a relationship and feeling distant from your partner, that is completely fine. All you need is some time alone to focus on yourself, working on your goals, and understand what you really want from this relationship and your partner. This will enable you to strengthen your relationship, and you’ll feel the true connection with your partner once again.

The Hermit Card Reversed Meaning in Career
It the time to start thinking straight about what you really want to do with your career or business. Suppose you’re finding a new job. This card signals realignment with mentors or wise people. If you’re already working somewhere, there card signals towards stop working with a team and be on your own. You might feel lonely, but this is the result better for your career.

The Hermit Card Reversed Meaning in Money
Now is the perfect time to take a big step after seeking advice or consulting someone for any business or job. This card signals towards the success that you’ll get a good return on investment or you’ll become further strong financially.


What can I expect from a 5 card relationship spread tarot reading?

A 5 card relationship spread tarot reading provides detailed insights into your relationship by examining past, present, future, obstacles, and advice. It offers a well-rounded perspective, helping you make informed decisions about your connections.

Is a 5 card relationship spread tarot reading suitable for any type of relationship?

Yes, a 5 card relationship spread tarot reading is versatile and can be used for various types of relationships, whether romantic, familial, or friendships.

How often should I do a 5 card relationship spread tarot reading?

You can do a 5 card relationship spread tarot reading whenever you need detailed guidance and insight into your relationships. It’s particularly useful for understanding complex dynamics and fostering healthy connections.

Can I use different tarot decks for a 5 card relationship spread tarot reading?

Yes, you can use any tarot deck that resonates with you. The choice of deck can add different nuances and interpretations to your reading.

Final Words

A 5 card relationship spread tarot reading is an effective way to gain comprehensive insights and guidance in your relationships. Whether you’re seeking clarity on a particular relationship, understanding past influences, or looking ahead to future possibilities, this method provides the depth and wisdom you need. Explore our free 5 card relationship spread tarot readings and discover the answers waiting for you.

For a personalized and free 5 card relationship spread tarot reading, delve into our offerings and gain the detailed insights you seek.

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