5 card career tarot spread

Navigating your career path can be filled with both opportunities and challenges. A free 5 card career tarot spread reading offers detailed insights into your professional life, providing guidance on past influences, present conditions, and future possibilities. This spread helps you understand your career dynamics, identify obstacles, and receive advice on how to achieve your professional goals.

The career spread is particularly useful for making informed decisions and uncovering hidden factors that may impact your job or career progression. Let’s explore the benefits of this spread and how it can assist you in your career journey.

Free 5 Card Career Tarot Spread Reading

A free 5 card career tarot spread reading involves drawing five tarot cards, each representing different aspects of your career. This spread offers a comprehensive view, making it ideal for exploring the complexities of your professional life.

How It Works

In a 5 card career tarot spread reading, each card drawn holds specific significance:

  1. Past: Reflects on past experiences and influences that shape your current career situation.
  2. Present: Represents the current state and immediate dynamics of your career.
  3. Future: Offers insights into potential outcomes and future possibilities in your professional life.
  4. Obstacles: Identifies challenges or obstacles that may arise in your career path.
  5. Advice: Provides guidance and suggestions for advancing and improving your career.

By interpreting the cards in these positions, you can gain a holistic understanding of your career and the steps you need to take to achieve success.

the tower tarot card meaning

The Tower Tarot card or the most terrifying card in the deck generally indicates chaos and survival. The flaming tower image with the devil shows the destruction which needs to be done in order to move forward.

The Tower card in upright position indicates abuse, violence, natural disaster, loss, tragedies. In short, all the things you should be afraid of. If this card shows that means big changes are on their way to your life. So, you can use these indicators to prepare yourself for dealing with them.

The Tower Card Upright Meaning in Love :
Your relationship might take some wrong turns in the coming days. The Tower in an upright manner indicates a separation, breakup, or even a divorce. So, if your relationship is going through a rough time you need to prepare yourself to survive the upcoming destruction. But it can also mean the destruction might eliminate the reason that is damaging your relationship and you both will come close after a hard time.

The Tower Card Upright Meaning in Career:
You need to prepare yourself for a laying over or big changes in your career. That means that you’ll have to handle stress at a workplace or business which might frustrate you.

The Tower Card Upright Meaning in Money :
It’s an indication to prepare your finances and savings for your sudden losses so you can rely on them and pass that time.

The Tower Card Reversed Meaning:
Tower card in reversed position shows resistance or avoidance of things. So, this card tells that you need to stop resistance and face the hardships to start the new beginning.

The Tower Card Reversed meaning in Love:
If you’re in a relationship and experiencing distantness, pain, and not doing anything about it. This card indicates that towards making adjustments to your relationship and let your partner know how you feel or leave the weak relationship.

The Tower Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
You may be feeling secured about your current job and career but you need to stay prepared for the worst. This card indicates that your career might take some unexpected turns which can put you in a vulnerable position. So, if you’re thinking you’re past the layoffs, that’s not true.

The Tower Card Reversed Meaning in Money:
The Tower Tarot Card reversed signifies the acceptance and declaration of financial defeat. Most of the time we try so hard for survival but in reality, we don’t make any progress and get the delayed defeat. So, this card suggests that you need to accept it to find peace. For example; you’re just invested in a property you can’t afford so you should sell it.

the hierophant tarot card

The Hierophant tarot card is based on a society that functions according to conventional norms. The core idea behind this card is that it represents things being done legitimately, which people will follow and accept.

The Hierophant card meaning in love:
When you set out in search of true love, you can rest assured that your efforts will not go wasted. This is because you will most likely engage in a healthy relationship that will be based on a long-term commitment.

The Hierophant card meaning in career:
If you want to be successful in your career, you should avoid shortcuts at all costs. You’ll be much better off provided you take the challenging path to success.

The Hierophant card meaning in money:
Searching for unconventional ways of generating money will only drain you out. Try and figure out how other people are making money and what steps they’re taking to generate their income.

The Hierophant card meaning in health:
You will start experiencing good health once you try out the conventional means of healing. Also, try to incorporate daily exercise into your routine to enhance your immune system.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in love:

At times a relationship can end up not conforming to the conventional norms. It’s a relationship based on inequality between the partners due to distinct genders. As a result, this can lead to a broken partnership.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in career:
In the workplace, there can sometimes be an imbalance of power in the hierarchical chain of command. The directors or managers may use their power to make employers obey and follow their principles.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in money:
People may give you advice in terms of earning a better living. For the most part, seeking advice is not a bad thing. However, it’s best to stick to what you’re most comfortable with, no matter how tempting other money-making ventures may seem.

the magician tarot card

Upright position of this card represents creative, skillful individuals. It also indicates personal strength.

The magician tarot card meaning in Love :
If you are in love or have strong interest in someone , you have to show it. Try to break the monotony of your life and express yourself in a creative way.

The magician tarot card meaning in CAREER:
New job opportunities will be coming your way. You will take new projects with high self esteem and positive energy. If you are already employed, this card indicates that you will either get promoted or be assigned new tasks because of your problem solving skills. Your god given talent and skills will help you start a new business / expand your existing business .

The magician tarot card meaning in MONEY:
It looks like you have no problem making money however you have bad spending habits. You are a hard worker, not afraid of doing side gigs . You just need to learn how to manage your finances. This card is not a sign of financial danger. It is a sign for you to change your spending habits.

The magician tarot card meaning in Health
If you are sick or experiencing health issues, you can expect getting better soon.

Beware of new people around you. People you are doing business with maybe cheating on you / lying to you.

If you have a partner, this card indicates that you will start experiencing some issues in your relationship. A recent discussion, thoughtless act by one of you might have caused an uncertainty in your relationship . Your partner thinks that you are egoist and full of yourself. Uncertainty will ruin your relationship. Try to think about how your partner feels , rather than being concerned only about yourself.

This card may also be a sign of a person who frequently changes partners without thinking of what is going to happen tomorrow..

The magician reversed card in
Bad news on A new business project . Obstacles on a business project. Poor performance at work. You are having trouble self questioning and recognizing your mistakes and failures.
The magician reversed card in Health:
If you draw this card along with the fool or judgement card it will represent physical or mental fatigue. Don’t be too hard on yourself, just take it easy. Things like Yoga would relieve your stress.

temperance tarot card

Temperance Tarot card consists of an unidentifiable angel whose gender, whose one foot is dipped in water and the other foot in one dry land, which signals towards the gender balance and materialistic world. There are two cups in Angel’s hand with flowing water representing the union and flow of our world. Altogether Temperance Tarot card symbolizes the balance.

Temperance Card Upright Meaning:
Temperance in the upright position signifies inner peace, calmness, relationships, and patience. This card emphasis finding inner peace to improve your life and relationships within the world.

Temperance Card Upright Meaning in Love :
Temperance in an upright position is the most loved card by the couples as it signifies the perfect balance of love in the relationship. If you’re in a relationship, this is an indicator that this relationship will last, and no misunderstanding or problems can harm it. But if you’re single, this indicates that you need to learn to balance life so your soul mate can enter it. After doing that, the world automatically pushes the right partner towards you.

Temperance Card Upright Meaning in Career:
Temperance in an upright manager indicates that patience will help you succeed in your career or any other goals related to it. If you’re going through a rough phase, it indicates to remain calm and work patiently.

Temperance Card Upright Meaning in Money:
You need to find a balance in your spending to make your money. If you’re spending most of your resources, this card indicates that you should start saving and spending slowly.

Temperance Card Reversed Meaning:
Temperance reversed card indicates the opposite of balance that means that you’re behaving recklessly and you need to handle it, or it may lead to damages in your life.

Temperance Card Reversed meaning in Love :
Suppose you’re having regular clashes with your couple in a relationship. In that case, this card indicates that it’s happening due to the imbalances like one is being more carrying, loving and another partner have started taking it for granted. So, both need to resolve it by balancing the relationship.

Temperance Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
Either you’re working unnecessarily hard or not hard enough at your job or career, resulting in delayed results. This card indicates that for a successful career, you should start finding the right balance. It might include a good relationship with your co-worker and boss.

Temperance Card Reversed Meaning in Money:
You need to slow down your spending and start making a wise investment. But those investments shouldn’t be made impulsively.

the high priestess

The High Priestess card constitutes the inherent qualities of inner wisdom. This means that all of us possess wisdom which is derived from mistakes and learning experiences. This tarot card also emphasizes the role of gut feelings and instincts when it comes to dealing with day-to-day situations.

The high priestess card meaning in love:
It’s natural for men to be attracted to women. However, an attractive woman may not be easily attainable for men. It will be difficult for a man to express his feelings to the woman he desires.

The high priestess card meaning in career:
The job that you’ve always dreamt of is slowly coming your way. In other words, you will soon be equipped with the knowledge that will lead you towards a successful career. Your creativity will also play a huge role when you start climbing the ladder of success.

The high priestess card meaning in money :
When you start earning a steady income, you should avoid disclosing it to friends and family. At times, people can often use such confidential information against you just for personal gain.

The high priestess card meaning in health :
Taking time out for the things you like to do is important. Sometimes you might feel like going for a walk, and at other times, you might feel like eating something scrumptious. Listen to what your mind requires and fulfill those needs as soon as possible.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in love:
It’s quite possible that you have an attractive personality that someone admires. But you don’t know if you should let this person into your life or not. You might start questioning their intentions which could lead to second thoughts.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in career:
A 9-5 job is not easy. It can make you feel as if you’ve drifted away from reality. You start to feel isolated and alone, which makes you unproductive and lazy.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in money:
Always think about your financial position before you borrow money from someone. Unless you’re certain that you’ll be able to repay the lending party, you should try to find another way to build up finance.


What can I expect from a 5 card career tarot spread reading?

A 5 card career tarot spread reading provides detailed insights into your professional life by examining past, present, future, obstacles, and advice. It offers a well-rounded perspective, helping you make informed decisions about your career.

Is a 5 card career tarot spread reading suitable for any type of career-related question?

Yes, a 5 card career tarot spread reading is versatile and can be used for various career-related questions, whether you’re considering a job change, seeking advancement, or dealing with workplace challenges.

How often should I do a 5 card career tarot spread reading?

You can do a 5 card career tarot spread reading whenever you need detailed guidance and insight into your career. It’s particularly useful for understanding complex career dynamics and planning your professional growth.

Can I use different tarot decks for a 5 card career tarot spread reading?

Yes, you can use any tarot deck that resonates with you. The choice of deck can add different nuances and interpretations to your reading.

Final Words

A 5 card career tarot spread reading is an effective way to gain comprehensive insights and guidance in your professional life. Whether you’re seeking clarity on a specific career decision, understanding past influences, or looking ahead to future possibilities, this method provides the depth and wisdom you need. Explore our free 5 card career tarot spread readings and discover the answers waiting for you.

For a personalized and free 5 card career tarot spread reading, delve into our offerings and gain the detailed insights you seek.

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